Yep. I know. That sounds way over the top. But it's not really. Stay with me here. We'll never be able to save the whole world. But, we can save a bit of it. Those bits could (eventually) add up to the whole. I've been writing about our Adopt-A-Village project... Read more →
By Guest Blogger, Mary Schmidt, Marketing Troubleshooter When Toby Bloomberg, Yvonne and I had our first con call with Jeff Power, of Global Hope Network Int'l, re our Adopt-A-Village project, at one point, I said, "No offense, but if you want it done, give to a woman." Jeff's reply: "No... Read more →
By Guest Blogger Mary Schmidt, Marketing Troubleshooter Following on my post of last week, "Teach us," is the cry of the women where we introduced the Adopt-A-Village project we're working on with Global Hope Network International (GHNI). We all get so much bad news; it's great to read the good.... Read more →
By Guest Blogger, Mary Schmidt Marketing Troubleshooter This is a quote from the Global Hope Network International's web site about a village in Afghanistan the group is helping become self-sustaining. Qala e Nadar is a small village framed by rugged mountains on one side and less than fifteen kilometers from... Read more →
By Guest Blogger, Mary Schmidt, Marketing Troubleshooter From Christian Science Monitor: Why did Michele Bachmann's campaign crater? Gaffes...defections...and - ta-da! Women. You would think the only female candidate in the GOP race might attract a disproportionate share of woman voters. But Bachmann didn’t. According to an Iowa State University poll... Read more →
No. Really. You Shouldn't Have!
December 23, 2011
By Guest Blogger, Mary Schmidt Marketing Troubleshooter We all love getting gifts, especially if they're unexpected. However - unless you're some hideously spoiled rotten socialite - it really is the thought that counts. And, according to the NYT, gift giving doesn't have to be expensive or painful. Traditionalists and etiquette... Read more →
By Guest Blogger, Mary Schmidt, Marketing Troubleshooter People talk a lot about giving thanks, being grateful, giving back, mellowing out and such during the holiday season. We write feel-good blog posts. Tweel uplifting quotes. Post heart-warming FB links. Stuff dollars into the Salvation Army kettle...hug our grandmas... Then January rolls... Read more →
By Guest Blogger, Mary Schmidt, Marketing Troubleshooter It's that time of year again... When the Trader Joe's parking lot (and store) resemble a war zone (I actually saw a fist fight last year, complete with bloody noses, over a parking space.) When I take my life into my hands to... Read more →
By Guest Blogger, Mary Schmidt, Marketing Troubleshooter Note I didn't say I don't shop online. But, buying? Well, that can be difficult. Way too often it seems that companies don't want to sell you anything, based on their web site designs. In my grumpier moments I think this must be... Read more →
No, I really, really, really don't want to buy the bra.
November 18, 2011
By Guest Blogger, Mary Schmidt, Marketing Troubleshooter, LLC As regular readers know, I don't own a television, so I watch shows online. Of course, there are still commercials. And, really, I don't have a problem with that. I understand that the networks/show producers need to make money. I even enjoy... Read more →