Post by Blog Manager Robbi Hess Does the idea of the "blank screen" make you cringe? It does for many entrepreneurs. After all, you're an expert in your business niche and that niche may not be writing. If you endeavor to write your own blog posts, here are three ways... Read more →

Post by Blog Manager Robbi Hess When I started blogging there were so many things I thought I knew, but boy I didn't! Here are a few things that I wish I'd known about blogging (or writing in general) when I first put fingers to keyboard: You won't be an... Read more →

Post by Blog Manager Robbi Hess I was #havingdinnerwithfamily and then I #walkedthedog before I #hadicecreamwithfriends and finally I #saidgoodnight. Aaahhh, the hashtag, the measurement by which we gauge our life... or so it seems. Remember, back in the "olden days" when the hashtag was called the pound symbol and... Read more →

Post by Blog Manager Robbi Hess How many times a day does someone pose the question, "How are you?" I've been asked that countless times and even in the midst of recovering from breast cancer surgery and treatment, I'd typically answer, "Great. You?" If a family member or close friend... Read more →

Post by Blog Manager Robbi Hess Okay, okay, I admit there are no secrets to success! If there were, we'd all be successful, right? There are, however, steps you can take to be more successful than you are now or more successful than your competition. In my job as a... Read more →