We need your help - you can make this decision to sacrifice some small thing (that Starbucks coffee for one week a month; getting the newspaper every day - change to weekends only; use more cleaning rags, less paper towels; find the extra change in the bottom of your purse and commit to doubling it; all of these things are EASY to do and will create that $12/mo Read more →
By Big Idea Facilitator, Yvonne DiVita Everything comes to an end. Life teaches you that at an early age. I am experiencing the ending of an era, right now. I am trying to grasp so many lessons, taught along the way. As I embrace a new adventure in my life... Read more →
Everyone has heard the saying, "Failure is not an option," from Susan B. Anthony. And, if you hadn't heard it yet, you have now. She was determined to succeed and she was never going to let failure hold her back. That's the topic of April's Time for Books - Fortune... Read more →
My sign...my She Thought She Could and So She Did is packed away, but it pulses as a living, breathing thing in my bosom. My heart hears the whisper every morning. In fact, it's a big reason I sit in this chair and type away several times a week. I think of things, and then I do them. Read more →
It's Time for Books, Friday, April 6, 2018. We have a special book today called Fortune is in the Failure. The author, Katie Myers, is both a colleague and a friend. I met Katie about two years ago but it seems like we've always known each other! She's one of... Read more →
...I will climb a thousand more. I have climbed a thousand mountains. At least, it feels that way, sometimes. Sometimes my mountain is small, I can climb it with ease, reaching the summit and celebrating with cheers out loud. I stand there, arms raised, face to the sun, and I... Read more →
This Friday on Time for Books we're completing the review of Design the Life You Love by Ayse Birsel. Remember, this is a workbook. I have been encouraging you to work on it along with me. Our discussion continues from last week, where we were asked to think of our... Read more →
"Courage looks you straight in the eye. She is not impressed with power trippers, and she knows first aid. Courage is not afraid to weep, and she is not afraid to pray, even when she is not sure who she is praying to. When she walks it is clear she... Read more →
I dreamed a thousand dreams...and none of them came true. I slept a thousand nights, and woke a million mornings...to nothing. It feels that way sometimes. That my dreams and my hopes and my desires are such tiny slivers of nothing in the Universe, that they slip away into some... Read more →
You're reading Time for Books | My Life is a Cookbook. Question is - what metaphor can you use for your life? In our book for March, Design the Life You Love, Ayse Birsel tells us to compare it to a metaphor. But first, let's talk about POV - point... Read more →
Got a dime? I got 12 Big Ideas for you. The dime a dozen saying is so old, I think it's getting frayed around the edges. But, it's true for big ideas. Big ideas are a dime a dozen. For every big idea you have, I have three. For every... Read more →