On the Road Again...Yvonne Talks Blogs

Last Friday at my local Rochester Professional Consultants Network meeting, our speaker discussed networking approaches - the how and why of connecting to others to help drive business or referrals. He was affable enough, funny enough, and knew his stuff. But, he said only one thing that I hadn't heard... Read more →

Smart Man Online: Scott Ginsberg - That NameTag Guy!

At last, I'm back on track with the Smart Woman Online and Smart Man Online series of interviews. Today's interview will blow you away! How can I say that? Like this, "Today's interview will blow you away!" Is that better? I'm feeling frisky...because Scott, my interviewee, is one dynamite guy... Read more →

Jane's Top Five Wants for Fortune's Innovation Conference

Here are the Top 5 Things Jane hopes to accomplish at the Fortune Innovation Forum Conference. We hope, dear readers, that you will bear with us. It's our desire to represent small businesses, women-owned businesses, and the blogosphere. This trip is not designed to create attention for Lip-sticking, though we... Read more →

Jane Runs Hither and Yon

Monday is winding down already, dear readers. Jane and company is preparing for our trip to NYC, tomorrow night. We're so delighted that the weather is holding up so well. At this location (Rochester, NY) we have 64 degrees and sunny. Tomorrow is predicted to be just as warm but... Read more →

Jane Innovates with the Best of Them

We have tons, yes TONS, of information on Ad:tech to share, but -- time is of the essence and we think there are other topics equally important to you, dear readers. Ad:tech can wait for further reporting. We especially want to talk about Word of Mouth marketing. Andy Sernovitz, the... Read more →

Jane Reports on NY

We have a moment...only a moment, dear readers. But, enough time to bring you more news from the showroom floor at Ad:Tech NY. Albeit, a POST-show report. We will save the story of our not-so-acceptable room for a later time. In truth, the room wasn't 'un'-acceptable, but -- it could... Read more →