But the truth of being a writer is that it’s a lifelong venture. No matter who you are or how well you write, it’s imperative you live in ‘learning mode’, studying your craft by reading classics, by writing everything and anything, and by attending workshops or holding your own. To do less is to risk creating stale, poorly understood, almost unreadable copy. Read more →
We talked further about blogging. About how it could grow his readership. He proposed to me that he wanted his books to be read by small business owners, CEOs of businesses under $24million. Or thereabouts. He knew his message of how to be a great CEO would resonate and help those people. But he didn't see how a blog could get him there. He insisted the people he wanted to reach didn't read blogs. When, of course, they did. Many big brands were starting to blog by then. Read more →
This isn't our first rodeo. Tom Collins, the hubby as he will often be referred to, and I made the cross country trip from New York to Colorado in November of 2008, just as we were establishing BlogPaws, the popular and still famous pet blogging community and conference. A few... Read more →
I just finished reading the second in a series of novels by P.C. Cast. The first novel, Moon Chosen, was consumed months ago, well ahead of the second book. I waited eagerly, month after month, for Sun Warrior to come out. When it did, I ran... well, ok, I drove,... Read more →
The rearrangement of my life version 3.0 could actually be version 4.0 or 5.0. Truth is, I have lost track. If you're an adult, especially a female adult, over the age of 30, let's say, and no offense to any delightful young people under 30, but if you are over... Read more →
In my other life Once upon a time, I lived another life. I threw the sheets off in the morning, slipped my legs over the side of the bed, and watch a rose-gold sun rise above the horizon, out my window. The day beckoned. I felt the warm air as... Read more →
The voice of my soul is a woman of indeterminate age. I want it to be me, but I am confused by the sound, the lilt, the hush, and I wonder: if it isn't me, who is it? Read more →
The mountains are lovely today. It's Sunday. The morning is lovely. Our view of the mountains this morning is lovely. Life is lovely. There is a special quiet to the early mornings, here in Firestone, CO. The neighborhood is slow to wake up. One or two folks are up and... Read more →
It's the story of your life. From beginning to end, it's about struggle, despair, depression, select moments of joy, and the usual experiences of one person, one life, going through trials and tribulations as their life unfolds before them. I have a vivid memory of long summer days as a... Read more →
Hands fascinate me. I can remember TV commercials when I was 40 talking about hands. About dish washing soap that kept your hands looking young, even if you were 35 or older. The concept of 35 being old astonished me. But, we're a youth society, aren't we? And, as we... Read more →